: Rat Biology
Rat Biology
Rat Anatomy
Rat tails
Rat teeth
Rat claws
Rat eyes
Those red tears: porphyrin and the Norway rat
Why are rat testicles so big?
Why rats can't vomit
Are rats right-handed?
The rat's pubic symphysis
The dumbo rat mutation and human analogues
Do rats have a collapsible skeleton?
Rat Coat Biology
Where do rat coat colors come from?
Coat color, temperament, and domestication
. Also see expanded article:
coat color and temperament in rats and deermice
Why do some rats have white blazes and megacolon?
Australian blue rats: a hypothesis
Where do different rat coat types come from?
Also see article on the
mutation in mice and humans.
How do albino rats differ from pigmented rats?
Biological statistics of the Norway rat
How soon can female rats conceive after giving birth?
Rat rigor mortis
Rat Behavior
The Rat's Sensory World
Rat Biology
Rat Systematics
Wild Rats
Rat Health Notes
Rat Humor
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