: Rat Behavior
Rat Behavior
Norway Rat Behavior Repertoire
: informal descriptions of Norway rat behavior. Covers social behavior, feeding and drinking, predatory behavior, how rats get from place to place, self-grooming, chewing and digging, sleeping and nesting.
Expanded articles:
Rat play
How do rats choose what to eat?
Why do rats pee everywhere?
Urine marking in Norway rats
Communal nesting and nursing
What is my rat doing? FAQ
Glossary of Rat Behavior terms
: definitions and photographs of dozens of rat behavior terms
Norway Rat Vocalizations
: descriptions, sample sounds, and spectograms
Glass-sided digging box
: specifications for building your own giant digging box.
Rats and mazes
Rat maze simulator
Paper and pencil mazes
Rat Behavior
The Rat's Sensory World
Rat Biology
Rat Systematics
Wild Rats
Rat Health Notes
Rat Humor
All photographs, graphics, text and sounds on this website are Copyright © 2003, 2004. All rights reserved.
Please request permission if you wish to use any images or content on this website
Contact: x@y.org (where x = webmaster, y = ratbehavior)