Who Am I?


This is a picture of me, at age 9, in Spain. That's me in the foreground, ignoring the fabulous Spanish medieval gate in the background, peering intently at some ants.

My name is Anne Hanson. I was born in California. My parents and I moved to Southern France when I was eleven. We went for one year and stayed for eight. I did lots of traveling with them... about 25 countries in all. I attended a French school, became fluent in French, and passed the French Baccalaureat in Natural Science (Bac D) at the end of high school (lycée). I returned to California at age nineteen and went to Stanford University for my undergraduate degree. I graduated with a B.S. in Biological Sciences. From there I went into the doctoral program in Animal Behavior at the University of California at Davis. I spent seven years there and earned my M.S. and Ph.D. in Animal Behavior.

Citing articles on this website

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For example, the citation for the "History of the Norway rat" article would look something like this:

Hanson, Anne. "History of the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus)" Rat behavior and biology. 7 Dec. 2006. [date viewed]. http://www.ratbehavior.org/history.htm

For more, see The MLA style guide on citing online sources.


Hanson, Anne F. and Manuel Berdoy.  2010.  Rats.  In:  Valarie V. Tynes (ed.), Behavior of Exotic Pets.  pp. 104 - 116.  Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Magazine Articles

Hanson, A. F.  2009.  A rat's eye view of the world.  Rat & Mouse Magazine.  Solaris Publishing.  Issue 4.  Pp. 29-32.

Contact Information

I can be reached at the email address x@y.com (where x = webmaster, y = ratbehavior).

Meet the rats

All photographs, graphics, text and sounds on this website are Copyright © 2003, 2004.  All rights reserved.
Please request permission if you wish to use any images or content on this website
Contact: x@y.org (where x = webmaster, y = ratbehavior)