Peas, peas peas!

Free range time today! The rats are eager to come out of their cage. Widget is out first. Snip and Cricket stand at the cage door for a while before venturing out.

Today I filled a tupperware with peas and a little water and placed it on the floor at free range time.

Cricket was the first to discover the bonanza.

He grabbed a pea in his mouth, ran to the cage and climbed on top.

Perched in his safe aerie, he proceeded to skin and eat his pea.

Snip discovered the peas next. He picked up a pea, retreated a few inches, and ate it right there. He ate another. And another. And another.

Widget discovered the peas last. He sat by the bowl too, lifting out peas and eating them, again and again.

Meanwhile, Cricket had finished his first pea and came down for a second. He grabbed his second pea and ran.


Cricket retreated to the cage top with this one too.


Within a few minutes, all the peas were gone. The rats left to play elsewhere, and the bowl was abandoned, surrounded by discarded pea skins!


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